Why Creative Writing Matters

by Hampton Tutors' Academic Coach Julia Maxfield

During my years of academic coaching, creative writing has been one of the areas where I have noticed the greatest turnaround in my students’ lives. Cultivating an atmosphere where creativity can flourish and providing the right keys has produced astonishing results on many fronts: ranging from academic success, to an overall increase in confidence and a marked improvement in behavioral issues. Students of mine as young as ten, who previously struggled with learning, have written entire books on their own initiative after discovering a newfound passion for writing.

Like every creative medium, writing enjoins a balance of freedom and discipline. Internal creative muscles require regular exercise in order to develop. Here are some of the reasons why I believe that creative writing coaching is such a win-win undertaking: 

Unlocking Hidden Talents 

I’m a writer by trade, as well as being a teacher. Time and again, I’ve been amazed to see young students of mine produce writing with a flair and calibre far exceeding anything of which I personally feel capable. Sometimes they are individuals who formerly believed that they were devoid of creative talent. I often encourage my students by telling them that Shakespeare spelled his own name in a variety of ways and frequently invented new words. Imagine if he had allowed his creative passion to be quenched by an early sense of failure, or by the restrictions of writerly etiquette? 

pen writing

Developing internal vision 

“The difference between a fairly interesting writer and a fascinating writer is that the fascinating writer has a better nose for what genuinely excites him, he is hotter on the trail, he has a better instinct for what is truly alive in him” - “Poetry in the Making” by Ted Hughes

The imagination is our visionary instinct, enabling us to literally see our path through life more clearly, from the inside out. Developing our ability to see for ourselves by writing stories and poetry translates in turn to the discovery of our personal voice. When we as coaches allow room for this faculty of inner vision to expand at an early age, we are essentially equipping children to become confident visionaries - capable of articulating their inner truths with integrity and purpose. 

Honing Cognitive Processing

Creative writing coaching enhances skills of perceptual reasoning, problem-solving, analysis, and meta-cognition. It is an extraordinary asset in the arena of self-directed learning, since the organic structures of narrative tension seem designed to propel us biologically to the desired outcome: a completed poem, story, or book matching our original intention.  Hence, coaching in this area frequently has a significant impact on other academic areas, as well as on students’ capacity to execute their work well and to finish tasks.  

Building Emotional Resilience 

Creative writing coaching promotes kindness, awareness and empathy. Especially during these times of pandemic and lockdown, upheaval and isolation, it is a powerful way of promoting overall emotional wellbeing. By strengthening the ability to connect with other hearts at a level beyond the merely functional, it can also help foster deep and reciprocal learning bonds - whether they be between peers, between parent and child, or between student and teacher. 

Reinstating Creative Play 

James Joyce famously wrote that ‘mistakes are the portals of discovery’. Creative writing coaching is a great opportunity to get over the fear of ‘getting it wrong’ underlying the shame-filled performance mentality of much contemporary culture. Its innate playfulness, somewhat paradoxically, builds real, characterful maturity -  producing adults who are ready for the adventures that responsibility entails. By keeping childlike playfulness alive, it equips the next generation to take healthy risks - becoming the ‘solutionaries’ and pioneers of the future. 

To help your student develop their Creative Writing skill, set up a session with a Hampton Tutors academic coach by calling 0131 618 6688, or getting in touch via our Contact Us page.